So this is my birthday month and for the first time, I’ve gifted myself my health. This time wholeheartedly, none of these half measures I’ve dabbled with through the years.
Many of you know I have suffered from endometriosis since my teens and actually that’s how I found yoga.
It certainly hasn’t been an easy ride as pain has often been really bad. I sometimes refer myself to the exorcist rithing around in pain and projectile all over the place. You get the idea?
So, as everything in life ebbs and flows, I’ve had years of being up and down. I was recently having a dreadful few months of continuous bad pain, almost to the point of passing out. Well even sometimes passing out!
So finally I made a pact with myself that I needed to prioritise my health, not just a bit more but a whole lot more.
My body is screaming here! Quite literally it was!!
To cut a long story short I’ve been to see a herbalist who does Maya Abdominal Massage.
She has recommended some changes and additions to my daily ritual.
Today I’m determined.
This is what I’ve got up to in the last few weeks and the results are mind blowing.
Meditation every morn 5-10mins
Yoga (even if its 5mins on the mat, makes me feel great even when it’s at 3:45 am!!!)
Monthly Maya abdominal massage
Daily self abdominal massage
Herbal medicine
28 day liver cleanse
Taking supplements
Really spending the time and money it costs to buy good quality, organic foods
Taking the time to prepare my nutritious breakfasts and lunches
Reducing stress
Keeping a daily diary where I give gratitude, track my progress on new healthy habits and do little things for others.
Instead of filling my cup with more tasks, which has been pretty standard in my life, I’ve realised I need to do this stuff with compassion and not come down too heavy on myself. 70% most of the time is good enough!
I allow times of ‘nothingness’, of noticing the birds whilst I’m cooking a special meal with new yummy things.
I suspect I’m not alone when I say i’m always busying around the place, always working on five projects at once and reading four books.
Sounds familiar?
I know I need to slow it down sometimes and I am working on it.
When was the last time you told yourself to slow down?
What I’ve got out of this
Periods that are manageable, where I’m not taking painkillers, just a herbal mix to take the edge off.
I’m over the moon!!!
Homeostasis - our systems get out of whack when stressed and not supported by rest, food and nutrients. Stress makes us tired and grumpy. I now have more energy and feel I’m not playing catch up with my sleep. I choose to go out with mates, I have a laugh and that’s truly healing!
A new enthusiasm for cooking weird and wonderful new things. New ingredients that taste magical. I close my eyes and really sample their texture and aroma. It’s like being a kid again and trying out new stuff for the first time! Have you ever tried monks beard?!?!
Noticing my eating habits and not filling a empty painful gap with food. Really understanding that food is medicine and everything I eat has an impact on my health. Noticing my cravings and connections to it. Whether it be emotional or purely a sugar addiction or both.
Times of peace inside. Let’s be clear here, not always but sometimes. It’s a work in progress, as is all of this.
I know I need to keep working on this and sometimes it’ll be easier than others. I’m not saying this is the be all and end all for everyone but it’s working for me.
If this is what it takes to be heathy and pain free bring it on!
Inspired by this healing experience I’ve created these two nourishing 2 hour sessions for you guys…
Sunday 10 March
Embodying The Feminine
Empowerment, regulating hormones, womb yoga, stress relieving, strengthening & meditation.
Sunday 14 April
Yin & Yang Yoga
Recharge whilst building intensity find stillness & motion with yoga, meditation & yoga nidra.
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Don’t compare yourself to others.
Compare yourself with the person you where yesterday